Hey Otterites!

Ol’ Martin here is getting handed old PCs by family members and I’m trying to wipe hard drives and salvage RAM. I have been attempting to load Linux operating systems on a couple of them, but looks like there’s hardware problems preventing the install on at least a couple.

One old PC did take Ubuntu 22 and it runs pretty well. Not sure what I may end up doing with an old laptop running Linux but should be fun to find out. I may someday see if I can get my hands on something with some real specs in it (more RAM and an SSD drive) and see just how fast a Linux home PC can be. Bet it would a be a slick little email and web browsing machine.

Course someday would be nice to have the scratch to scare up a nice Apple laptop with one of those screaming M1 chips in it. Bet it would make a great writing computer.

This probably sounds like I’m down on the Microsoft world and am looking for an alternative, but I’m really pretty happy with this nice zippy Windows laptop I’m using. 2 in 1 touchscreen, SSD, and runs pretty nicely. Writing, Office/Outlook, web browsing, audio recording and a few other apps. Way cheaper than an Apple too.

Anyway, fun to kick around some techie stuff. I’m off to load more SnapStore apps on this Linux laptop. See you in the great gnarl Otterites.