Good morrow noble Otterites!

Francis and I are fresh from a Saturday performance of Richard III at Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Louisville’s Central Park. Now, Francis will have more to say I’m sure as R3 is his absolute favorite, every word memorized. I’m relatively new to the charms of R3, Francis introducing me via the film version by Olivier.

Still, I’ll give you a quick review. Generally, a magnificent performance, very high energy, wonderfully staged in the intimate venue of the park amphitheater. In particular, I enjoyed Braden McCampbell’s Richmond, a very kingly presence on the stage, and Mollie Murk as Queen Elizabeth. Abigail Maupin also excellent as the deposed Queen Margaret. The highlight of course is Neill Robertson as Richard III. Scenery chewing, scene stealing and generally villainous, Robertson is tremendous. My only criticism is that I think Richard should be played with a touch more swagger. He is a good soldier, and he believes these plots he’s laying will work. He’s worrying one brother to death, outright murdering another, plus 2 nephews and 2 in-laws, falsely pursuing a wife he likely puts an end too as well, then takes a swing at courting his niece. That’s some major ass villainy. A little more machismo I think would be called for. A minor complaint all in all though. A small winter of discontent as it were.

Anyway, I’m glad we got to make it to Shakespeare this summer. I don’t think I made it at all last summer and was very disappointed. Hardly seems a summer unless I get to Central Park with Robert and or Francis and soak in a free, awesomely mounted performance of a Willie Shakes classic. Highly recommended.

Check for more information at Kentucky Shakespeare – Home.