Good morrow Otterites!

Francis and Robert visited Studio M over the weekend so we could record and sip some of Kentucky’s finest bourbons. And of course, during the recording session we had to take a break to talk writing.

Now Robert and Francis are way out ahead of me when it comes to this so I tried to soak up what I could from the discussion. I feel like I have a decent ear for getting right to the point for a total beginner and “pantsing” this whole thing out of my head.

The other thing I’ve discovered about writing is that I have fun doing it. It doesn’t seem like work. I’m just plowing ahead, the whole thing might be junk, but at least nobody was calling me about fixing their PC, their PDFs don’t open in Acrobat, some program presented a dialog box I told them about in training but they don’t remember, and well you get the picture. I just rolled along as I pleased, immersed in doing something my way. Learning as I went. Just great stuff.

I’m also very grateful to Robert and Francis for the encouragement. Someday I’ll finish and get all this stuff out of my head. Even if no one else likes it, at least I proved I could write. Proved to myself anyway.

Talk to you soon Otterites. I know this is our 4th or 5th time talking writing and I’ve probably said the same things over and over, but perhaps I’ll have more insight when I’m closer to completion. I’m at 14,000 words right now, with another writing week planned in September. Francis, Robert, do you have more to add?