Francis here folks. We’re real excited about this week’s episode which just dropped. I got to Captain this one about the greatest villain of all time.

Who is that you might ask? Nope not Darth Vader. Vader is actually a pale imitation of this guy. (Vader just had more exposure . . . )

That’s right comic fans, Victor Von Doom, otherwise known as Doctor Doom! Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby way back in Fantastic Four #6 in July 1962.

Wikipedia has a pretty good and complete page on him actually, but nothing can do justice to what Comic Book expert Chris Sims once called “The Gold Standard” of Villainy“. Doom is perhaps the most versatile, most tragic, most effective and most powerful villains ever created and its no accident that he has been used in almost every Marvel comic since his inception over and over again. Sometimes, he’s even the savior of the multiverse actually, like in 2015’s Secret Wars. Yep, he’s that good.

Check out the episode where we discuss how awesome he is. Sometimes being bad is the way to go!

To listen to the episode, just click on the Spotify embed below, or if you prefer you can listen on PODBEAN HERE.