Helllllllllllooooooooo Otterites!!!

Wow. We’ve really been slacking on the posts here. Marty’s been carrying the blog for a while now, and even he hasn’t posted in a month. We’ve all been pretty busy obviously. Maybe the new year will see some more regularity from us. And ya know… For guys our ages, regularity is pretty important.

Now on to the podcast schedule! You might have noticed things have changed.

Francis requested, and Martin and I agreed, to cut back on the podcast schedule. It was getting pretty darned hard to find a day to record every month that worked for all of us. Then it was an all-day affair to do it. It was wearing us all out, especially Francis. For his health, we worked out a new schedule.

Instead of weekly episodes, we’re moving to twice a month and changing the topics a bit.

On the 2nd Friday of the month, we’re doing either History or Our Heroes/People You Should Know. On the 4th Friday of the month, we’re doing Code of Honor. That’s the most popular of our shows and the one we like the most too. Everyone wins! On those months with a 5th Friday, we’re doing a Hoopajoob.

Maybe in the future we’ll go back to a weekly schedule.