Good morrow Otterites!

Allow me to echo Robert’s enthusiastic welcome of our own Number 6, Brother Andre. Going to be interesting to see how Andre fits into our little enterprise here. Listeners, I’ll spoil this a little. He’s apparently a kind and decent human being. How about that? Certainly a contrast to my own snarling misanthropy. Takes all kinds huh?

6 feels like it will be a good number for us. I’m hoping Andre has a bit of a writer’s bug and will want to post here. Francis has fallen off the beam a bit. I’m still around, and Robert jumps in every so often. Robert is working hard on his fiction projects, and Francis has started another as well.

We can be a lot to get used to Brother Andre. I mean you’ve known Francis and Robert for quite some time, but not really their heathen friends. I recommend rolling back through this blog to get to know at least me. But hey, you’ve been listening for quite some time, a devoted follower of the Brotherhood as it were, so maybe you did know what you were getting into.

Anyway, welcome to the Village Number 6. You can yell “I’m not a number, I’m a free man!” all you like. I got your back.