Hey Listeners and Readers,

I missed Martin Monday this week as real life intruded and work commitments took precedence. I should be able to resume normal programming next week. Please forgive.

That should do for the explanations and apologies. My forced absence from my Martin responsibilities has me also separated from “the brotherhood” as I sometimes call Snakes & Otters. Haven’t spoken to my main men Francis and Robert in a few days.

For a podcaster, I’m actually strongly introverted. If you run across me in an elevator and want to engage in small talk, probably all you will get from me is a fairly pleasant but low key “hey”. Only when I’m engaged with the brotherhood of Snakes & Otters am I an expansive talker, able to fill an hour with all sorts of ramblings.

That realization has me thinking about the nature of relationships, and as we know, Robert frequently points out that the human experience is all about relationships. I thrive on friendships. I kid a ton about being left alone, and while I certainly comfortable sitting alone reading a book, the pandemic does have me missing those times when I can throw back an adult beverage with friends. Social distancing isn’t hard from strangers. Hell, I won’t go down a grocery aisle is someone is already in it. But isolation from friends, great folks with common memories, is difficult even for an introvert.

I have a small group of friends from my high school I get to see occasionally. I was very fortunate to attend a small private, all boys, high school. I felt much like an outsider back then, as most of my classmates had at least 4-5 of the guys they knew from parish grade schools. I knew no one. And back those 40 years ago, we were boys, and I think you get my meaning. However, those boys turned into great men. Generous, welcoming, kind, family men, servant leaders, businessmen, public servants, the whole spectrum. Each time I get to toss back that adult beverage with the group, not only do I love retelling great stories, but it rekindles my admiration for what they became and have accomplished. Hoping we can pop some tops again soon. Fly high Falcons.

I’m also thinking about that special friend of the Snakes & Otters Brotherhood, the man we call Marcus Aurelius. Talk about great stories. You know the stories are great when Marcus doesn’t remember them. Francis, Robert and I are very grateful Marcus’ health is growing stronger all the time, and he is starting to seem like his old self, judging from his Facebook posts.

The world is far more interesting with Marcus a part of it. Listen to our Hoopajoob with Marcus and you will agree with me.