Welcome to Martin Monday. By now you should know that Martin Monday posts are an unplanned stream of consciousness that I come up with at the last minute. Today I was cruising home and mentioned to Mrs. Martin (we work in the same building) that I needed to write a post and didn’t have any inspiration yet. My mind is rubbing off on her, as in a moment of bizarre word association, she said to write something on having cheeseburgers for breakfast, as that’s what she planned for dinner, and she’s heard me repeat Jules Winfield a million times with “Hamburgers, the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast!” Pulp Fiction, by the way, is a film I love and she loathes.

Anyway, our youngest, Bjorn, loves the film and loves cheeseburgers, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snack, what have you. He has tried them all over the city. He makes them for others. He’s a “burger evangelist” if you will. In addition to burgers and cooking, his interests include anime, physics, languages (he’s studied German, Latin, French, Norwegian, Icelandic and wants to start on Japanese), Nordic culture, comics, shooting sports, and he wants to build a forge in the backyard.

And he was just our second guest on Snakes & Otters, after Marcus Aurelius. He gave us quite the rundown on Ragnar Lothbrok, including the origins of that name. Give a listen, he’s pretty on top of it.