Helllllllllooooooooooo Otterites!

Wow. Been a minute since I’ve been able to do a post. I guess all that stuff on Locke really wore me out mentally. Or I’m congenitally lazy. Not that both aren’t true. They’re not mutually exclusive after all.

Anyway, Marty has been really patient, though he does poke me and Frannie in the background, with the lack of posting that goes on by us. For some reason, Marty thinks he can’t write as well as me or Frannie. I think we’re all good writers. Bellarmine taught us well. Perhaps Frannie and I seem more serious because of what we do in the Church, but Marty’s got him some chops too.

We’re all just different in our approaches. We’re complimentary I believe. I tend to get perhaps to verbose and spend way too much time in deep intellectual, philosophical and theological subjects. Frannie likes to spend a lot of time on historical events, especially when it comes to English monarchs. Marty tends to look at the current state of things from the perspective of daily life with references to music and books.

I think Marty is probably the one of us who writes what is most easily relatable and read by you, Otterites. I think this week’s post on the car restoration shows is a great example of that. Really good post there that talks about something he enjoys and was entertaining at the same time.

When you start one of my posts, you better settle in and be willing to put the time in. I think you get a pretty good product in the end, but it’s a bit more of a journey. Same thing can happen with Frannie at times, but not as often. It’s always worth the effort once you get to the end for all three of us. None of us writes about anything except what interests us. Hopefully you find it interesting enough to keep reading and listening.