Hello Otterites, welcome to Martin Monday!

Hopefully you know that I don’t do much planning on these blog posts. No outlines, no rough drafts, no thought given ahead of time generally. I think up something on the fly and churn out a few paragraphs. I hope you weren’t expecting an extended diatribe about the abomination that is Columbus Day or anything. In fact I’m sure you realize that I’m enjoying my extra day off and generally don’t do outrage. I don’t give a shit about the outrage du jour.

In other words, I can’t think of anything to do for today’s post, but still feeling compelled to get something in front of you. I had briefly considered “If Canada is America’s Hat, What Does That Make Florida?” for a topic, but that felt unproductive long term. I’ll keep kicking it around though.

So let’s talk interior decorating. Well, stuff for my man cave/recording studio decorating anyway. A high school classmate makes these burn in design barrel heads. Bourbon everything is a big deal here in Kentucky, and bourbon is generally having a moment all over the world. And we of course love it here at Snakes & Otters. We stop every episode for a quick bourbon tasting and discussion, as it makes for a nice sidelight while we delve the depths of the human experience. I have a bar tray made from a bourbon barrel, and now will be adding a super boss bourbon barrel lid with the incredibly awesome Snakes & Otters logo on it. It will proudly hang in my basement, a touchstone for every recording session here at Studio M.

I just went to pick up this very evening and it is awesome as you can see by the photograph. A great addition to Studio M. It occurs to me that while we have mentioned our fanciful and imaginary studios on the air, we’ve not put them down in the blog. Studio M in reality is just my basement TV area, but on the air it is on the 30th floor of Nakatomi Plaza, behind the waterfall and just down the hall from Ellis’s office. Studio F is really just Francis’ upstairs office, but in our imaginations it was Reed Richards’ lab in the Baxter Building. Last time we were there we used his son’s game room and called it Johnny Storm’s game room down the hall from the seal over the Negative Zone. Studio R is Robert’s sun room overlooking his deck, but we like to call it the Atrium for the nice view.

Otterites, time for me to figure out where I’m hanging this new addition and publish this set of ramblings. See you next Monday.