Evening Otterites!

I was pondering today’s post whilst rolling home with Mrs. Martin, convinced I should do something on today’s anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt and how awesome Henry V was, at least in his Shakespearean persona. Then Mrs. Martin reminded me that tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of our introduction! So farewell to “we few, we happy few, we band of brothers” and hello to memories of Phoenix Hill Tavern and our friend Professor Doctor Gregor Mendel!

Dr. Mendel is the name we use here at S&O for my high school buddy who introduced me to the esteemed Mrs. Martin. We were regular hang outs at a now defunct and bulldozed local club called Phoenix Hill Tavern. PHT was a 3 level corner bar with live music on all 3 levels, including the roof garden. Always packed. Gregor and I split up to size up the place and see what was happening. When I found him again, he’s chatting up a young lady. He had met her a couple years earlier at a retail job and promptly introduced us. The rest, as the cliché goes, is history.

So much has happened since. Gregor went on to become a Ph. D. in molecular genetics (hence Gregor Mendel). Gregor found his own Mrs. Dr. Mendel some years later, and they happily involved in advancing human knowledge. Mrs. Martin and I are the proud parents of Ivar and Bjorn (who has appeared on air with us).

30 years is pretty unfathomable when you are 25 or 26 years old. Pretty fortunate to have found a team mate who supports all my unusual interests and endeavors. After our discussion of Martin Monday topics, I regaled Mrs. Martin with the story behind my desire to own a Soviet-era Russian made military style wristwatch. She totally understood.

Watch image from WatchesTopia.com.