Two weeks in a row. Not bad. But then, I’ve been a writing fool this month of November. As I mentioned in my last post, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo – National Novel Month. I didn’t start a new book, just picked up the current one and started from where I was mostly. As you’ll recall, the goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days, or 1,667 words a day on average.

I am happy to say, that I have exceeded the minimum every single day by a comfortable margin. I actually doubled the minimum count on several days. I’ve been so productive, that I’ve actually hit my 50,000 words today, November 17, 2021. See below:

Evidence that Robert Kicked Ass This NaNoWriMo

I’ve “won” NaNoWriMo as they say. You win by hitting your 50K words. I’m not actually done with the book yet. I’ve got the ending payoff to finish writing. Just barely scratched that. I should have another 25,000 words to do before I’m done with this draft. That should still take less than the 30 days, presuming I stay on target with my daily writing and word count.

So, when I finish the first draft, I’ll post the final screenshot/word count. If I don’t post next Wednesday, it’s because I’m busily pounding the keyboard in a feverish effort to finish.

Then on to the real work. Editing, revising and polishing. The first draft is just the skeleton (not literally, it’s a full book) you hang the meat on. It’s going to get rearranged, spindled, folded and mutilated to hell and back before the end. Hopefully, I’ll have a readable version by the end of the year for Martin and Francis to review.