Happy Friday Otterites and also Merry Christmas!

Every year we do a special Christmas-themed pop culture episode to drop close to the blessed holiday itself. First we did Christmas TV shows, then Christmas Movies and this year we do a history of Santa Claus. One thing we haven’t done yet is Christmas music, which I’m all in favor of tackling next year. Everyone has their favorites (as well as the ones they can’t stand) which should make for a lively discussion.

My favorite Christmas song is the one which always seems to be everywhere whenever the season approaches and is considered a bona fide classic. Andy Williams’ recording of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” was released in October 1963 (just before John F. Kennedy’s assassination) and has been trying to bring hope and happiness to a world in need of such ever since.

Maybe it’s just the sheer happiness of the song . . . maybe it’s just remembering Andy Williams’ great performances over the years, both on his variety show and otherwise . . . or maybe it’s just nostalgia for a simpler time. Whatever the reason, this song has always reminded me that this time of the year is different from all others.

“Peace on Earth” is indeed something that comes through clearly upon hearing this song, and it seems that for this brief time every year we are all spiritually restored to the state where love reigns and peace, harmony and tranquility flow with abundance. For me, no one seems to capture that happy “feeling we should all feel” quite so well as Andy Williams did with this song.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, folks. To spread a little more of the joy of the season, here’s Andy from his 1965 Television Christmas Special (when Francis was barely two months old and both Robert and Martin had yet to grace this mortal plane with their existence) in full pastel living color . . .