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Hey Otterites, Happy Corporate Commemoration of Your Relationships Day! (Am I cynical or what?)

Otterites, it is an age old what if question. Pick any 3 historical or contemporary figures with which to have a meal. During a recent recording session, Francis, Robert and I rambled into this one and I think our table would be very interesting. First ol’ Martin here wants to invite Nietzsche. He might not be the most generous of guests at the table, but certainly a fascinating one. Next up I think Francis would insist on Mark Twain. Worth the price of admission right there. Robert gets to invite GK Chesterton. Now we are cooking with gas. A small bourbon aperitif, followed with a great meal and a glass (or 3) of wine and we’d have a dinner for the ages. I think Freddie might feel a bit put upon and outclassed. Chesterton might be the number 1 intellectual of the last 150 years. Check us out in March for an awesome heroes episode on our man GK. As a nod to Freddie, maybe we could have schnitzel.

So that gets us going with a table of historical figures, so now let’s talk contemporaries. First would be S&O hero and north star figure PJ O’Rourke. If his liver is holding, I’m sure he’d love a bourbon to start the evening. From there I’m not sure. An invitee to table should be generous with conversation but a sympathetic listener, a scholar and bon vivant. I’ll nominate Gary Sinese. Fine actor and all-around generous gentleman. Would be a rewarding discussion certainly. Our third invitee we kicked around quite a bit during the episode, and I think we came down with Ian McShane. Primarily because he has no f***s left to give. His bucket of f***s has a hole in it. We can find out what Keanu is really like and how fun Deadwood was to make. I don’t think that can be the end of the possible invitee discussion though. Has to be someone I’m not thinking about. Idris Elba would give a table a bit more international flair along with Ian and inviting another Brit just can’t go amiss. Kelsey Grammar would bring good taste and an air of refinement as well. However, that’s a list that’s heavy on actors. Politicians aren’t interesting enough, so they’re out. Sports figures could work. Authors! There’s where we need to be. Somebody to swap publishing tales with PJ. Jeffrey Shaara could talk the extensive research he’s done for his historical fiction. That could keep the table spellbound for certain. Adrian Goldsworthy and Tom Holland are S&O favorites. Francis would salivate if Bernard Cornwell could join this star studded gemütlichkeit of an occasion.

So there we have it Otterites, I think we have 3 winners with Ian McShane, PJ O’Rourke and Bernard Cornwell. Yes, that works for me. Shoot us some emails, let us know your ideas for an ideal table. Pour some bourbon and let those ideas flow.