Well, Otterites, it’s been a while.

Yes, Francis Friday has returned with marvelous news. Snakes and Otters has lots of great things on the horizon, but today, we need a moment of celebration.

As of this past Sunday (as this posting drops) – May 28, 2023 – Snakes and Otters celebrates our fourth birthday!

Yes, our first REGULAR episode (#5) dropped on May 28, 2019, and we have been a part of everyone’s lives on a regular basis ever since. (I mark our ‘conception’ date about a year earlier with our first actual episode on April 28, 2018, but things were quite intermittent then as things gestated.)

Since that time, we have generated (as of this posting) 5,951 downloads over all major podcast platforms! Hope you don’t mind if Martin, Robert and I take a quick victory lap!

Which leads me to a bit of information.

All the big podcast providers only provide the 100 most recent episodes for any given show, and that includes us too. Since we’re just shy of our 200th episode now (and we’ve got something great planned for that) our first 100 or so episodes are NO LONGER accessible by all the biggies: Spotify, Apple, I Heart Radio and Stitcher.

However, not to worry.

The great folks at Podbean have been our hosting partners since the very beginning. Signing up with them is free, and since they are our hosts, ALL our episodes are accessible there, formatted for all methods of consumption: desktop, mobile device, streaming, whatever you prefer.

Slip on over there if you get a chance and check our some of our early classics . . .

Like our two part deep dive into World War I:

or our very first ‘what if?” episode:

And perhaps one of my favorites, our exploration of Samurai movies:

These are in addition to our awesome series on Rome, the Civil War and well over a hundred others!

Stop by Podbean and check them out!