Well, I guess you readers/listeners can tell what we’re passionate about here at Snakes and Otters.

Steak is most definitely one of those things.

Frannie has most graciously apologized for his past steak bullying and I full heartedly accept his apology.

Marty has also pledged to not give me grief over my steak choices, but I’m not certain he’s mastered this idea just yet. As in all things, we are all a work in progress.

Marty’s idea to do a Beef Hoopajoob is an excellent idea. We may not agree on how we like our steaks, but we do agree that beef is a most excellent meat and choice of protein for anyone’s table. The variety of things you can do with beef. The flavors you can achieve. The various cuts available. The multitude of dishes one can make. From hamburger to Beef Wellington to so many other things. It’s nearly endless.

Beef. It’s literally what’s for dinner tonight. Meat loaf in case you’re wondering.