Photo in the public domain.

Today, September 6, marks another dismal anniversary my Otterite friends. Today in 1901 a violent anarchist, Leon Czolgosz, shot and killed US President William McKinley.

The assassination of McKinley is these days mostly remembered, if at all, for ushering in the Age of Roosevelt, as I’ll call it. Roosevelt was put on the 1900 presidential ticket by the wheeler dealers of the GOP to hopefully sideline him. Back in those days, the vice presidency was thought to be a black hole from which no one ever emerged, let alone successfully ran for president in his own right. Yet Roosevelt not only would be an energetic and successful president in the wake of the assassination, but would be overwhelmingly elected in his own right in 1904. His popularity, energy and quotability led to Roosevelt overshadowing all those who came before all the way back to probably Grant. However, McKinley shouldn’t be forgotten.

McKinley took office following a serious economic downturn and stabilized the economy. He won the Spanish American War (admittedly a bit of a gimme) and walked the tightrope between anti-imperialism and the new reality of American involvement in the world.

McKinley’s path to the White House was interesting as well. He had been a well liked congressman, then Governor of Ohio. Because of his relationships in Congress, he was able to navigate the House and push through legislation he desired. His leadership style built consensus and he sought conciliation and moderation in most issues. He brought people of talent into the government, including John Hay, Elihu Root, Roosevelt, Charles Dawes, William Howard Taft and others. He took his responsibilities seriously, and viewed himself as beholden to the people.

He wasn’t perfect, didn’t do all he could to ensure opportunity and protection to all citizens. Even as he sought the approval of the American people, he was beholden to a GOP power broker in Mark Hanna. After the energetic and vigorous Roosevelt, he was seen as stagnant and stuffy, too deliberate and moderate.

He’s seriously worthy of study and re-examination I believe. Shrewder than he was credited with being, but always striving to be fair to others. In other words a really decent guy. Take a quick listen to our “New American Century” episode. We’ve covered McKinley rather well I feel.

Hat tip to Mrs. Martin for the hint on this day in history!