Otterites! Greetings and Felicitations!

So no it isn’t quite “bring out your dead” level plague, but everyone here at Studio M is recovering from the dreaded Omicron Variant of COVID-19. Omicron Variant sounds either like a bad chess opening or a bad Robert Ludlum novel about World War III, I can’t decide which.

Mrs. Martin, Bjorn, Ivar and yours truly, it swept through the house this past week. Coughs and sniffles were the only noises to be heard. It wasn’t the worst cold I’ve ever had, but certainly no fun either. I always get a nice mucus biscuit (I saw Mucus Biscuit open for Sonic Youth in ’93) in my lungs whenever I get this kind of crud and that strangling cough of my body trying to bring it up makes my eyeballs bounce around and my skull pound. Then my whole face hurts when my sinuses fill up with junk. Nose spray becomes my best friend and my only hope for a night’s sleep.

A week later though and we are all on the mend, headed back to the office and campus as usual. Took 2 years, but we finally caught it, shots and all. My week of telework just made me feel like I was a week behind.

Good health to you Otterites, I hope you are able to avoid Omicron and Delta and whatever other variants come our way. Wash up frequently, keep your distance and boost up that immune system if you can. Get some exercise, eat better. Not only does that help with weight, which contributes hugely to those dangerous co-morbid cardio-pulmonary health conditions, but it even helps your immune system right from the jump. A good reminder for the whole Martin clan to get back on the elliptical machine and get some of this extra padding off.