Frasier Crane at the KACL radio station in the Frasier episode “Shrink Wrap” (season 3, episode 2)
Image owned by Paramount Pictures / Grub Street Productions

Hey Otterites!

Good to be back in front of some electrons for you this week after taking a couple Mondays off. Let’s talk about what’s coming your way in the rest of July and into August.

We’ve started our big philosopher series, matching Code of Honor quotes with episodes on important modern philosophers. Thomas Hobbes and his Leviathan talents (see what I did there) are up first, followed by the anti-Hobbes, John Locke. The quotes act as a bit of an appetizer, hopefully getting you hungry for the in-depth episode to follow.

History will see more on famous treaties and agreements, including a blistering indictment (led by me, who else) of the United Nations.

Pop culture will be fun with a huge Frasier Crane episode, wherein I do my awesome impression of Daphne Moon. We’re also tackling Gene Simmons and the question of rock and roll’s health status (hint, it might not be dead, but it was coughing up blood last night). We’ve hammered that some here in these pages/electrons, but we dig in deeper and argue even louder.

There’s even a hoopajoob coming this month, and we talk more about who we would invite to dinner for a chat and an aperitif.

Good stuff all the way around. Join us every Friday in July and August for this content.