Hey Otterites!

Haven’t done this in a while but wanted pub some upcoming episodes here at Snakes & Otters. That was kind of the idea here with the blog, to work hand in hand with podcast and promote each other. So let’s do that somewhat directly this week.

First, last Friday (May 20), our episode on Calvin Coolidge came out and I hope you have grabbed it. I really like where we went with this one, I think providing a balanced portrait of a politician from an era we have trouble understanding today. I think Coolidge was much more of a sophisticated political mind than he got credit for and deserves regular appraisals. He trusted people to make their own lives and felt the government needed to support that, rather than today’s seeming attitude that the people need to be led to make good decisions.

Next up is a tribute to comic artist George Perez, famous for runs on Bronze Age Avengers and other Marvel titles, along with the Crisis storyline in DC. He was a personal favorite for his art in the Avengers 160-180 era (off and on during that time). George recently passed after a long illness, and the tribute was well earned. Check it out on May 27.

Francis then takes us through an appraisal of The Congress of Vienna in 1815. This was a landmark international agreement, reconstructing the world after the fall of Napoleonic France. You know Francis is all up in the Napoleon stuff so this one is full of analysis of Bonapartism. This one hits June 3.

Course after that is Code of Honor, and then a big jump for us, our first woman Our Heroes episode featuring Lucille Ball. Awesome entertainer and businesswoman. A television fixture from the 1950s to the 1970s. Long run for a comic.

June rounds out with a Pop Culture episode on everyone’s favorite Korean War era surgeons, M*A*S*H. I can hear the choppers coming in now. From Henry Blake to Sherman Potter, we have all of the 4077th covered.