Hey Otterites!

Image of an IBM 370 Mainframe from Forbes Magazine article dated March 19, 2012, (Photo by f8 Imaging/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

You might have heard that the S&O fellows are techies, all with tech job backgrounds (even though Francis has moved on to a different field these days). We get though that tech isn’t interesting to lots of folks, so we don’t post much about it.

I thought I would pop a quick tech post in your attention stream this week though. Robert has mentioned how impressed he is with the current Apple ecosystem, and I’m tending to agree. Even Francis has been bitten by the Apple bug lately.

Now generally we remain PC guys, though I’m not sure I could tell you why. Cost and compatibility I suppose keeps old penny pinching Martin in the world of Windows.

Still, I get Robert’s infatuation. It works. Phone, tablet, PC work together seamlessly. A nice iPad with a Magic Keyboard will cost you a ton of dough compared to a 2 in 1 PC, but shoot, nice stuff. Combine an Office 365 account that includes OneDrive, and there’s very little you can’t do effectively. Write, surf, email, graphics, audio, online meetings, streaming, whatever. Right from a tablet.

Still, I would like to see Apple move production to the US from China. They can afford it with their cash reserves and the margins on the devices. Probably the same could be said of HP, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, whatever.

I’m not really here to convince you try one ecosystem over another. Nobody is paying me for that, so this isn’t a persuasive essay here or anything. I’m mostly just commenting on the impressive state of reliable, effective tech we find ourselves in. And I haven’t even gotten to Windows 11 or anything. Haven’t seen it in action yet.

Get out there and get some tech. Apple, Microsoft, whatever you like, it all works these days. Awesome. Us techies in Gen X love it. Here’s the proof, our episode on Gen X.