Good Morrow Otterites!

This past Friday old Martin here got to zoom down to Central Park and catch Kentucky Shakespeare Festival’s production of the Scottish Play (Macbeth). It is the festival’s 63rd season, and this staging was the most ambitious of my memory. The costuming, especially of Hecate and the witches, was extraordinary, and they made Hecate fly!

The cast performances were generally also top notch, except for the actor playing Banquo. He was a touch too subdued in the part. Banquo’s tough to play though. Second fiddle to Macbeth, and then he barely seems to catch on before getting his throat cut.

Love’s Labours Lost is up next, and Macbeth returns in July for the rotation. Strongly recommend heading down to catch a performance. Best staging of the Scottish Play I believe they’ve ever done (been going long enough I’ve seen it rotate through at least 3 times). Check Kentucky Shakespeare – Home for the schedule. I celebrated with a bourbon afterwards at home to finish off a great night.