Hey Otterites!

So how is everybody? Whoops, I started off writing with a question. That’s a no-no. My sophomore English teacher, Brother William Dygert, CSC, always said that writing answered questions, not asked them. At least that’s what I remember him saying way back in the fall of 1981. A stern yet profound communicator that Brother William.

Francis, Robert and I have been discussing writing quite a bit lately. As you know, both Robert and Francis are undertaking novels. I have a novel idea kicking around in my head that wants to get out someday. I’ve also recently written that these blog posts serve as an outlet for me. Again, I’m not really a volume writer yet, but sometimes things just have to come out of me, and this has turned into a much better outlet for those ramblings than my Facebook or Twitter accounts.

Social media has value. Yes, that value is limited, but I’m not as down on it as many. It isn’t the marvelous communication tool I think some envisioned, but it can serve to keep friends and family in touch, and make us laugh. Realizing the limits though is important.

Anyway, that’s a rabbit hole. I really wanted to write about writing. The guys have been very encouraging. Robert has even loaned me a prompt book for some writing exercises. I plan to dig into these and get some practice. We even kicked around the idea of writing together a little. Take the prompts, and all 3 of us start in, see where it leads. I have some ideas were we’ll end up. We might need some ground rules to keep me from going too far off the rails! I think these writing sessions might also be another chance to hoist a glass of Kentucky’s finest with my best friends.

As much as we are alike, I think our writing styles will be very different. I’ll be channeling some Elmore Leonard and Gregory McDonald, Robert will be seeking some inspiration from Stephen King, and Bernard Cornwell will be Francis’ muse for sure. I’ll likely also squeeze some mileage from my hero and favorite gonzo journalist, PJ O’Rourke.

Thanks for dropping in Otterites. I’m off to see if Brother William is still available to give me some pointers. Although I think he’d first say he hates made up words.

(Image from thinkwritten.com)