“Vacation” by the Go-Gos, IRS Records, 1982

Gentle Otterites,

We have some good stuff coming your way in June, including Brother Andre’s debut as captain of a Code of Honor. After that though, we’re taking a little summer vacation, and no episodes will publish in July. We’ll be back in August though, never fear oh great fans of rabbit holes and meandering bullshit.

We are considering somewhat filling that July void by pulling a KISS and dropping some solo albums, er episodes, so watch for that possibility, in case any of the 6 of us work up the gumption. All you need is a mic and some Audacity (recording software), well and access to the Podbean account, which I don’t think anyone other the brackets officials end brackets has. Well, dammit, we’ll share. So Cajun, Marcus Sexy Beast Imperator and Brother Andre, feel free to Ace Frehley yourselves and we’ll help you get something posted. In the meantime, Otterites, dig on our 200+ episode archive.