Hey Otterites! Good to be back with you after taking a couple weeks off from Martin Monday.

I’m playing hooky from the salt mine this week to see if I can get a writing project off the ground. As you know, Francis and Robert are pretty far along (Francis is actually starting a sequel!) and they’ve been very encouraging. I think I have an idea I can get some mileage out of, and aside from some errand running, I’m home all week with my keyboard and OneDrive to try to make something out of what’s been in my brain for a few months.

As mentioned, the guys have been very encouraging and mentoring me along as I start this journey. However, old Martin here is quite the Scots hardhead, so I do feel like I need to explore all of this my way, whether it is the best way or not. Despite spending all afternoon on errands with Bjorn, whose car is in the shop, I got 1600 words of basic outlines and character sketches down on electrons. It is real. It exists. Sort of. Tomorrow I’m going to see if I can get some chapters going.

This is all pretty new to me Otterites, and I’m just hoping I have the determination to see it through, no matter how it comes out. I think I’ve got an idea for a product people would enjoy, with characters that are real and relatable. I think that’s the thing that I have to keep in mind over everything else, that no matter how I feel about these make-believe people that live only in my head, I have to make where a reader could say, “I know that guy.” I know also I have to put them in some action, some situations that make people worry about them.

Anyway, that’s all for this Monday. Hoping Robert and Francis can pick up from there and give you more. After all, they aren’t beginners like Martin here.