So yeah, we don’t normally do sports here at S & O, as so many others have that covered better than we can. Yet, I do want to give some thoughts on the big game, and maybe even some tangential issues.

Francis isn’t big for sports, but I do football and a college hoops quite a bit, while Robert follows everything Detroit, whether hockey, baseball or basketball. Yes, even the Lions.

I was pretty surprised at the outcome of the game. Kansas City just hasn’t played that poorly in 2 years. The shuffle on the offensive line was brutal, the Tampa pressure got home way too much on Mahomes. The KC secondary played much the way they played against Buffalo, but unlike that game where they weren’t flagged for physical play and took away Bills’ star receiver, the refs called pretty much every nudge against Tampa. So the physical play style of the KC D was nullified and they had to back way off. Brady stuck with dump offs and underneath stuff to keep the pressure off, and the Tampa run game kept the Bucs ahead of the sticks. I think that’s the part of the plan I was most impressed with on Tampa’s offense. They ran very effectively and gave the offense balance, which kept KC on their heels. Cast off Leonard Fournette had a redemptive performance. Big time congrats to Byron Leftwich for the game plan. Tampa’s D was the story though. Fast, good tacklers, smart. Todd Bowles was the ace here. Both Bowles and Leftwich should get shortlisted for HC jobs next season. Bowles had a shot in NY, I think he deserves a second chance.

As for the tangential issues, let’s just say this Gen Xer was monster confused by the weird ass halftime show. I think someone on Twitter called it a “parade of burn victims”. Awful. I thought they all looked like Francois Derval in Thunderball. You know, the dead guy that SPECTRE had someone double so they could steal nuclear bombs? The commercials were largely abysmal as well. Flat Matthew was OK for Doritos. I do miss the days when corporations just tried to sell their products, and not try to sell us on their wonderfulness as corporate citizens with sanctimonious, holier-than-thou screeds starring bought and paid for celebrity “mavericks”.

Anyway, that’s my take on the SuperBowl. I don’t think we’ve talked any sports in past episodes so I’ve got nothing to link you to dear readers. How about a favorite Code of Honor then?