Good Morrow Otterites!

Please forgive that we gave all of October a miss. Going to try to get back on track.

If you have been listening, you know that we’ve taken a turn here with our format and schedule. For some quite valid reasons, we’ve decided to change from publishing episodes 4-5 times a month to 2-3 times instead. So now episodes will drop at 6 AM on second and fourth Fridays. We bumped up 6 hours to give you that Friday morning commute as a listening time.

So that also means the History-Code-Hero-Pop Culture cycle had to go by the wayside as well. We decided to basically fold Hero/Famous Faces (or whatever we were going to end up calling it) and Pop Culture into the History episodes on the second Friday, which will give us the freedom to explore all sorts of things, including “history’s douchebags” as we discussed. We’d pretty much run out of Pop Culture things anyway, and most of what we did were really more cultural history, since we weren’t doing episodes on “The Rings of Power” or Taylor Swift’s new album anyway. And of course, we kept Code of Honor since that’s our favorite.

So Otterites, while you won’t be getting quite as much of us week to week, we think the upcoming episodes will still satisfy your Snakes & Otters cravings and won’t leave you hanging fire. And for us there will be renewed work life balance (hey, we all got real freaking jobs you know) and improved health. I can tell you the Brotherhood of Snakes & Otters is a real thing, and all 3 of us came together to make this decision without recriminations or blame. Brothers to the bone. All for one and one for all. Francis will freaking LOVE that Dumas reference.

See you soon Otterites. I promise to get back on the swing here and get some electrons posted. Writers write you know, and we’re all also hip deep in serious writing projects, and this is a fun outlet for thoughts that don’t fit other places. In the meantime, here’s our newest episode on John Stuart Mill. Or as we like to call him, Woodrow Wilson’s Substitute Pinata.