Listeners/Readers, Martin here. Hope you are having a great start to your Christmas week.

We’ve got a fun Christmas episode coming out this Christmas Day. Will be all about those fun Christmas movies we all love.

I’m watching Bing Crosby tap dance with Danny Kaye right now, and just finished watching Chevy Chase and the Griswolds escape felony charges because of Brian Doyle Murray’s change of heart.

Even better, the Brotherhood of Snakes & Otters will be meeting this week, and we should have a huge good time. I might even get to have some #triggertime this week at the range, provided the weather cooperates. Bjorn should accompany me. I don’t have the words to really express what these 2 things mean to me, but trust me, seeing Francis and Robert, and then sending freedom seeds downrange with my son makes this a great week, no matter what else happens.

I’m certain Francis and Robert will have better descriptions of the meaning of Christmas than my meager abilities permit me here. They are truly the metaphysical wordsmiths of our little endeavor. I’m think I’m a little better at the concrete and earthly. So I’m finding my Christmas joy in activities and fellowship.

Hope you are enjoying your week and get a chance to listen to tons of episodes. Send us comments, we’d love to mention you and discuss any of our subjects further. Here’s a comment we received recently regarding episode 17 about Thomas More:

Bry – “great discussion. wish i were having a whiskey there with you. Thomas More, a hidden gem. just published this year 2020 is the colossal The Essential Works of Thomas More which i’m treating myself for Christmas. thanks again”

Thanks Bry, appreciate the good thoughts and the book recommendation, as I’m sure that will interest Francis and Robert greatly. Below is the episode Bry mentioned, give it a listen.