I have been welcomed into the brotherhood of Snakes and Otters and it is with great joy that I accept the warm welcome that my fraternal brothers have welcomed me. Martin has hoped for a budding writer, alas, I must disappoint.
Unlike my learned hissers and swimmers I do not have the gift of composition and may be slow to add in the discussion of writings. What I do have, in abundance, are opinions on many topics that I hope to be able to share in pointless discussions of eternal discussions.

A little about me so as you might have a common understand of who I am. Born and raised in Louisville, KY I am a cradle Catholic that attended parochial school in Southwest Jefferson county. I attended Pleasure Ridge Park High school and upon graduation went to the University of Louisville. Upon discovering that in the late 1980’s U of L was much akin to a high school with ash trays (Students would drive to school, smoke, attend class, then drive home to hang out with the same friends they had in high school).

I decided to spread my wings and attend Western Kentucky University. This is where I met my beautiful bride, Mrs. Andre.

We began our life together in Louisville and soon moved to the bedroom community of Shelbyville, KY where we began our family.

I was called to become a deacon and thus is where I met Robert and he became my brother for the firs time.

I hope to introduce myself to you more in dribs and drabs and get to know more about my brothers on this podcast.