Helllllllllloooooooooooo Otterites!

Yes, I’m here posting two weeks in a row. Startling and perhaps even disturbing.Don’t worry though. You’ll get used to it. Presuming I keep it up that is. We’ll see.

I’m writing this post in Studio R in the Atrium. Which is really my sun room overlooking my deck and back yard. I’ve been wanting to set up a writing space here for some time. Something separate from my regular office where the distractions are many, both physical and mental. Down in the dungeon where the man-cave and my office are, I have my day job computer setup and my personal setup. Lots of screens, plus the TV. There’s books galore. Distractions all over the place.

That isn’t why I’m not farther along exactly, but one thing that’s really important when creating is to have a space that is dedicated to that. It’s absolutely essential. When Stephen King writes, he does it in a dedicated space for it. Not every author does that, so it’s not an absolute. For me though, I recognize the need.

If I want to be productive at my craft, I need to be able to be productive. That means as few distractions as possible. I’ve often noticed that when I change locations, either in the house or to a coffee shop, I can get more done. It’s not that there aren’t distractions in these other places, but more that I’ve broken the pattern that allows for the distractions. It helps me focus on the task at hand.

I probably won’t do all my writing here, but I’m hoping to do a lot of it. Anything to help be more productive. To get the words down on paper… er… screen. To make progress. To get better at the craft of writing.

Far too often I find myself distracted. I suppose that’s a combination of a lack of discipline, but also because I have so many interests and activities going on. I suppose that’s still a discipline problem.

As George Carlin famously remarked… You’ve got to have a place for your stuff. That includes a place to do your stuff.