Heeeeelllllllllllloooooo Otterites!

It’s been a long time, I know. We’ve all dropped the ball in 2023. No new posts on the blog since Martin’s post about his EPIC facial hair.

To make up for that, I do have some exciting news.

Starting with the June 9th episode you should hear a dramatic difference in the audio quality. This has been bugging us for a while now, so with lots of research and help from Marcus Aurelius, a guest Otterite from past shows, we purchased professional quality recording equipment.

We’re now using a Tascam MixCast 4 and various XLR microphones per individual preferences, and the quality difference is astounding! We’re ecstatic over the changes and things we can do now.

Let us know what you think, Otterites!

As always remember to leave reviews on all your major platforms. And here’s a video from the Tascam site, touting the virtues of our new toy: