Hellllllooooo Otterites!

Robert here with yet another riveting edition of Wobert Wednesday. At least I THINK it’s Wednesday. I mean that comes two days after Marty posts his stuff. But there wasn’t ANYTHING posted by Marty two days ago. How can it be Wednesday then?


Actually, I believe Marty has a really good excuse for not posting anything on Monday. He’s travelling for work, beginning this past Monday. Also, on Sunday Snakes and Otters was busy in Studio F over at Frannie’s place doing some marathon recording of upcoming episodes of the podcast.

PLUS… We did some serious editorial commentary on Frannie’s upcoming book, sure to be a best seller. Marty’s farther into it than I am, but we both agree that Francis has got it going on with this project.

There’s even a rumor that he’s plotting out the sequel already, while he waits for our comments. But keep that on the down-low for now.

Anyway, we got pretty danged serious this past weekend. Between the History episode for the 1st of October and the Code of Honor for the 8th, we were seriously hip deep in the Eternal Questions. And it weren’t no pointless discussion either.

We talked about the Holocaust and the how it happened and tried to talk about the why. The mechanics are easy to see in retrospect, even if we can’t understand why it could have happened. Just saying the Nazis were some evil MFers, doesn’t cut it.

The Holocaust was the societal, sanctioned, legal, industrialized slaughter of some 6 MILLION Jews and another 6-7 MILLION others. Not to mention all the horrors that went into building and sustaining these events. There aren’t words to describe it accurately, nor time.

Tune in for that one. It’s a hell of a discussion.

Along with that, check out a most excellent movie starring Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci called Conspiracy. Even Tom Hiddleston has a role in this 2001 must-see film.

Branagh portrays one of the most evil men in the Third Reich, Reinhard Heydrich. It’s basically a movie about a bunch of guys sitting down to decide the fate of the Jews. It’s a fascinating movie showing how, on an extremely small scale, one person can talk a group into the result he wants from the beginning by walking them step by step through each step as the next logical conclusion, until you get to genocide.

Chilling isn’t the word. We talk about the movie a bit in the episode. You’d think a movie about a bunch of guys sitting around talking would be boring, but if you’re a student of History as we are, it’s riveting.

Now that I’ve plugged the upcoming episodes, lets see if I lap Francis next. You’re up, Frannie!